A range of livery services is available to suit your individual requirements including assisted DIY livery. Additional services of turning out, mucking out and bringing horses in from their turnout fields can be arranged to create a tailored livery option to best suit your needs.

Quality hay and straw
Quality hay and straw is produced by the farm and included in the livery costs. Shavings or alternative bedding may be purchased by the owners from any retail outlet. We currently have a discount system from a local feed/bedding retailer which delivers on a weekly basis to our clients.

Horse Stabling
Year-round daily turnout
All horses are stabled overnight throughout the winter months but they have access to daily turnout all year round. Horses are encouraged to be turned out on a daily basis unless, due to extreme weather conditions, this is impossible.

Pasture Management
24Hr Summer Grazing
In the summer months owners may choose to keep their horses out at grass 24 hours a day or keep horses stabled overnight.